All quick quotes are free but keep in mind they are rough, nonbinding estimates. A valid estimate can only be made following personal inspection of your project.
Please provide a brief description of your project--- include dimensions. Naturally, the more information you give to us, the better the evaluation. Think about the condition of the frame, the quality of the fabric to be selected, the degree of usage, the condition of the cores, the desired completion date, and so on.
Sending a photo
Just email us a photo of your piece of furniture with a brief description and what service you’re looking for (repairs, re-upholstery, refinishing, sewing, etc.). Within 48 hours we'll reply with an estimate.
Photo Specifications:
Format: jpg or pdf
Resolution: 72-180 dpi
Quantity: 1 to 3 photos from different angles
If you do not have access to a digital camera / picture, please feel free to mail us any printed pictures.